
有關肌內效原理的研究及其他種類貼布的研究,如止痛,筋膜放鬆,增加血液循環,增進運動表現 al

1.Chang HY, Chou KY, Lin JJ, Wang CH. Immediate Effect of Forearm Kinesio Taping on Maximal Grip Strength and Force Sense in Healthy Collegiate Athletes. Physical Therapy in Sports. 2010(accepted) (SCI, impact factors: 0.674, Sports science: 55/72)

2.Chang HY, Kao MF, Ho CC, Chou CW, & Wang CH. The volume changes of lower leg by applied kinesiotaping. Journal of Physical Education and Sports(國立體育學院論叢) 2006; 17(4): 69-78.

3.Chou KY, Chang HY. The effects of Applied Kinesio- Taping on forearm on Force Sense Errors and Grip Strength. 8th Annual Conference of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. August 12-14, 2009; Hong Kong, China: 67 (post presentation)

4.梁燕玲、黃意雅、張代蓉、張曉昀。貼紮對輕/中度扁平足患者足部壓力及平衡能力的影響。2008 台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會。November 1, 2008; Taichung, Taiwan:143-144

5.Chang HY, Yang TF, & Wei SH. The corrective effects of taping on female ballet dancers with hallux valgus. In Katsumura T. ed. The 8th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress. May 10-13, 2005; Tokyo, Japan: 100. (Poster presentation)

6.Chang HY, Wei SH, Jong YJ, Lin CF, & Wang CH. The effects of kinesiotaping methods in lower extremities edema. The 50th Acadamics Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of The R.O.C. March 20, 2005; Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 103. (Poster presentation)

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    Shirley's SportsMed Studio

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