1. Chang HY, Chen CS, Wei SH, & Huang CH. Joint position sense recovery in the shoulder after muscle fatigue. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation 2006; 15:312-325 (SCI 期刊, impact factors: 0.523, Sports science: 58/72)
2. Wei SH, Chiang JY, Shiang TY, & Chang HY. Comparison of shock transmission and forearm electromyography between experienced and recreational tennis players during backhand strokes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2006; 16 (2):129-35. (SCI 期刊, impact factors: 1.5, Sports Science: 33/72)
3.Wu WL, Chang HY, Tew SC. The Comparison of Myoelectric Firing on Push-Up Movement between Different Hand Supported Plane. The 61th Acadamics Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of R.O.C. Sep 26, 2010; Taichung, Taiwan: . (post presentation)
4.Chang, HY, Huang CM. The Test-Retest Reliability of Force Sense and Joint Position Sense at Ankle Joint. The 61th Acadamics Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of R.O.C. Sep 26, 2010; Taichung, Taiwan: . (post presentation)
5.Hung TJ, Chang HY, Lin HN, Chen YT. Electromyographical Analysis of Selected Lower Extremity Muscles during Open-Chain and Close-Chain Exercise. The 61th Acadamics Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of R.O.C. Sep 26, 2010; Taichung, Taiwan: . (post presentation)
6.Chang HY, Chen CL; Jong YJ; Chang BF. The Relationship between Force Sense and Static Balance Ability for Subjects with Recurrent Ankle Sprains. 6th World Congress on Biomechanics. August 1-6, Singapore: 356.
7.Chang, HY, Jong YJ, Chang B, Huang CM. Force sense in subjects with recurrent lateral ankle sprain. 15th annual Conference of the ECSS. June 23-26, 2010, Antalya, Turkey: 337. (poster presentation)
8.Chen YT, Chang HY, Lin HN, Hung YJ. Electromyographical analysis of vastus medialis obliques and vastus lateralis in open chain movements. The 60th Acadamics Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of R.O.C. March 21, 2010; Taipei, Taiwan: B36. (post presentation)
9. Lai SW, Hong YY, Chang HY. Wearing sox with small pellets for balance control of collegiate students: pilot study. 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics. December 10-11, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan: 188 (poster presentation).
10. Lin HN, Chang HY, Chen YT, Huang YJ. Electromyographical analysis of selected lower extremity muscles during 3 different squat movements. 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics. December 10-11, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan: 181 (poster presentation).
11. Hsu TY, Cai YJ, Chang HY. The Investigation of Motion Sickness or not on the balance control performance. 2009 Asia Pacific International Symposium on Sports Biomechanics & TSBS Annual Meeting. Norumber 28, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan: 157(poster presentation)
12. He CX, Jiang YF, Chang HY, Fang SH. Comparison of static balance and daily physical activity between aboriginal and non-aboriginal elementary students. 2009 Asia Pacific International Symposium on Sports Biomechanics & TSBS Annual Meeting. Norumber 28, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan: 73(post presentation)
13.簡銘諄、張曉昀。音樂干擾對下肢平衡能力控制之分析。2008 台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會。November 1, 2008; Taichung, Taiwan:133-134。
14.黃經閔、張曉昀。青少年踝關節扭傷的患者在健側與患側的下肢平衡能力之差異-以國中生為例。2008 台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會。November 1, 2008; Taichung, Taiwan: 125-126。
15.顏肇廷、張曉昀、許太彥。軟墊干擾對青少年踝關節扭傷者下肢平衡能力之影響。2008 台灣運動生物力學學會及台灣生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會。November 1, 2008; Taichung, Taiwan:131-132